#Cardstock Volume 7 – Unsung Heroes

#CardSTOCK is an ongoing series created by Baseball Cards Daily’s Chris Steuber that details the hobby value of baseball players based on their popularity and performance . You can check out all past editions of #CardSTOCK here. You can catch Chris’s podcast ‘Baseball Cards Daily’ for free on itunes and Google Play.

This time around, we’re taking a look at the players that appear on the line up card daily, but their popularity is often overshadowed by bigger name stars on their respective teams. These are the players who’s consistent and above average play on the field often does not translate to the same amount of love in the hobby that their more popular counterparts receive. Or perhaps they play in a smaller market, where they are beloved locally, but fail to register in the national spotlight until they’re helping their team defeat your favorite team.

We’re showing plenty of love for these six unsung heroes, and we think that you should too!